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Regular monitoring – On site training of full team.

1. Daily Briefing/ Debriefing at the time of Shift change – Post Supervisor
2. Daily Training on Specific post instructions – Post Supervisor
3. Daily Checks – Field Supervisor
4. 3-4 times a week visit – Operations Manager
5. Monthly Training by Training Officer: Fire Fighting/Safety, Evacuation drills
6. High Quality Security mechanism (monthly review meetings)

Supervision Schedule

On Site - Daily Assignment manager, Area Officers
Daily – (Day & Night) Supervisors Supervisors
3 times a week Manager Operation
Once Forth Nightly Branch Manager Branch Manager
Monthly Suprise Check Senior Managers

The RGF team would be responsible for the execution of Functions/ targets set. MIS reports will be generated to update you on its functioning and the results would be discussed at the regular monthly meetings. The future plan of improvements can be incorporated from the feedback received from your organization and our supervision and internal audit reports.

The level and frequency of meetings would be as follows:

1. General Manager –Operations : Quarterly Meeting
2. Area Manager : Monthly Meeting
3. Field Inspectors : 3 times a week
4. Shift Officer : Daily briefing

The team would however be available as and when required other than the designated meeting schedule.
Corporate security officers and security guards are employed by private companies to guard physical property and personnel from vandalism, theft, bodily harm, fire or illegal activity. They work in a variety of settings, from stores, office buildings, entertainment venues and banks to mobile security units.
A security guard, a type of public safety officer, surveys assigned areas or properties for illegal activities, suspicious behavior or dangerous situations. They can work in many venues, including hospitals, power plants and retail stores. There are no particular education requirements, although a high school diploma or the equivalent is usually required.
Every state shall always keep up a well-regulated and disciplined home guards, sufficiently armed and accoutered, and shall provide and constantly have ready for use, in public stores, a due number of filed pieces and tents, and a proper quantity of arms, ammunition and camp equipage.
Security officers play a critical role in preventing and identifying potential threats in parking lots. Their very presence can cause criminals to think twice before breaking into cars, vandalizing them or committing other crimes. Security guards can also work with local law enforcement officers to help apprehend suspects after a crime has been committed in a parking lot.
Royal Guard Force
B-12-B Basement, Kalkaji,
New Delhi-110019,
Phone no.: 011-40590410
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